BusinessWomen in Leadership 2 February, 2023 7 Unconventional Strategies to Break the Glass Ceiling In the summer of 1990, at age 24, I was awarded a Fulbright scholarship and… Margarita Mayo
Women in Leadership 3 February, 2023 What are the Obstacles to Women in the Global Workforce? I am honored to be part of an outstanding panel of expert faculty in the… Margarita Mayo
Women in Leadership 3 February, 2023 Girl power: When women get a fair share of influence Alyssa McMurtry contacted me to talk about the article she was writing on “Girl Power”… Margarita Mayo
Women in Leadership 27 February, 2023 Clinton vs Trump – Competence over Charisma and Vice versa Who won the first US presidential debate? Both candidates were expected to play to their… Margarita Mayo
Executive CoachingWomen in Leadership 3 February, 2023 My Radio Interview: Study in Europe Finds Gender Bias in Workforce My interview with KCSB Santa Barbara radio station, California. I discuss how we conducted our… Margarita Mayo
Women in Leadership 3 February, 2023 To Seem Confident, Women Have to Be Seen as Warm My new article in Why are there so few women in leadership roles? My… Margarita Mayo