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Liderazgo Auténtico – humildad vs narcisismo



If humble people make the best leaders, why do we fall for charismatic narcissists? 
Harvard Business Review. April 7, 2017
Mayo, M.

Is leadership a part of me? A leader identity approach to understanding the motivation to lead.
The Leadership Quarterly, 2015 Vol. 26: 802-820
Guillen, L., Mayo, M., & Korotov, K. .

Liderazgo y Feedback

liderazgo y feedback

Harvard Business Review- Video. Oct. 7, 2016.
Mayo, M.

The gender gap in feedback and self-perception.
Harvard Business Review. Aug. 31, 2016.
Mayo, M.

Aligning or Inflating Your Leadership Self-Image? A Longitudinal Study of Responses to Peer Feedback in MBA Teams.
Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2012 Vol.11(4): 631 – 652.
Mayo, M., Kakarika, M., Pastor, J.C., & Brutus, S.

Liderazgo y Gestión del Talento – Diversidad

liderazgo y talento


Team Diversity and Categorization Salience: Capturing Diversity-Blind, Intergroup Biased, and Multicultural Perceptions.
Organizational Research Methods. 2016 Vol. 19 (3), 433-474.
Mayo, M., van Knippenberg, D., Guillen, L., & Firfiray, S.

Metatheorical Framework of Diversity in Teams.
Human Relations. 2017 Vol. 70 (8): 911-939.
Mayo, M., Kakarika, M., Mainemelis, B., & Deuschel, N. A

Racial diversity and its asymmetry within and across hierarchical levels: The effects on financial performance.
Human Relations, 2019 Vol. 72 (10): 1671-1696.
Smulowitz, S., Becerra, M., Mayo, M.

Liderazgo y Gestión del Estrés

liderazgo y estres


Work-family balance and energy: A day-level study on recovery conditions.
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2010 Vol.76 (1): 118 – 130.
Sanz-Vergel, A., Demerouti, E., Moreno, B. and Mayo, M.

Effects of work-family conflict on employees well-being: The moderating role of recovery experiences.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2009 Vol.14 (4): 427 – 440.
Moreno, B., Mayo, M.,  Sanz-Vergel, A. I., et al.

Work–home interaction and psychological strain: The moderating role of sleep quality.
Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2011 60 (2): 210-230.
Sanz-Vergel, A., Demerouti, E., Mayo, M., and Moreno, B.

Liderazgo y Gestión del Cambio

liderazgo y cambio


Leader Beliefs and CSR for Employees: The Case of Telework Provision.
Leadership & Organizational Development Journal. 2016 Vol. 37 (5), 609-634.
Mayo, M., Gomez-Mejia, L., Firfiray, S., Berrone, P., & Villena, V.

The Lure of Work-Life Benefit: Perceived Person-Organization Fit as a Mechanism Explaining Job Seeker Attraction to Organizations.
Human Resource Management. 2016 Vol. 56 (4): 629-649
Firfiray, S., & Mayo, M.

Don´t call it the end of the siesta. What Spain´s new work hours really mean.
Harvard Business Review. April 13, 2016
Mayo, M.

Liderazgo e Innovación – Emprendimiento

liderazgo e innovacion


Where does the heart lie? A multistage process model of entrepreneurial passion and role identity management.
Journal of Organizational Behavior: 1-17. 2022 DOI: 10.1002/job.2605.
Kakarika, M., Binari, M., Guillen, L. Mayo, M.

Liderazgo y Confianza

liderazgo y confianza


Appearing self-confident and getting credit for it: Why it may be easier for men than women to gain influence at work.
Human Resource Management, 2018 Vol. 57 (4): 839- 854
Guillen, L., Mayo, M., Karelia, N.

To seem confident, women have to be seen as warm
Harvard Business Review. July 8, 2016.
Mayo, M.

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